ML2 – Second Language Literacies

A blog for the Second Language Literacies course from the MA in Learning and Teaching Processes in Second Languages (ML2) at UPB-Medellín

ML2 – MULTILITERACIES AND MULTIMODALITIES – Rubén Cano, Julián Zapata, Deninson Vásquez

This video shows an exploration of multiliteracies and multimodalities in three private schools in Medellin, Colombia.
It makes part of the course on Critical Literacy of the Master’s Degree on Teaching and Learning Processes at UPB.

4 comments on “ML2 – MULTILITERACIES AND MULTIMODALITIES – Rubén Cano, Julián Zapata, Deninson Vásquez

  1. ML2
    September 29, 2013

    Your video exposes the more relevant ideas worked during the course. You show clear examples of how multimodal texts can be included in the lessons. Additionally, you demonstrate with the interview that multimodality and multiliteracy is an unexplored issue in our institutions.

    Angela Patricia Ocampo C.

  2. Moni Pabon
    October 5, 2013

    In this video we can see although teachers realized the need we have to see reading and writing from a new perspective there is still a way to overcome traditional views specially from the policy makers. Literacy is being understood to be a social practice (Slater: 1997) and as social practice uses more than one mode , not only the printed one but the visual for example among others and for this reasong our practice must include contextualized texts.

  3. rudaca2013
    October 6, 2013

    Angela, I agree with you when you say that multimodality and multiliteracy is an unexplored issue in our institutions. Policy makers are not easy to convince that there are new ways to learn. I understand that one of the roles of education is to be against following new trends for the sake of it. The school is always against the flowing currents of modernity. However, education evolves and we must not be left behind enlarging the gap between learners and teachers. Luckily we now understand this point, and it our duty to start making meaningful changes by being aware of critical literacy.

  4. Cristina
    October 8, 2013

    Good work. As a teacher I figure out that most of us apply multimodality activities in order to practice a topic and to do of this process an important part of the student’s knowledge, but may be in some cases teachers are not very aware that they are really using different materials to help the process learning of the students. Because in the video it is clear the variety of books and reading that were using in class. Also it allows to see an interesting reading for the learners.
    Cristina Tabares .

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