ML2 – Second Language Literacies

A blog for the Second Language Literacies course from the MA in Learning and Teaching Processes in Second Languages (ML2) at UPB-Medellín

Multiliteracies and Multimodality

Video By Hugo Mesa

ML2 at UPB

One comment on “Multiliteracies and Multimodality

  1. ML2
    January 22, 2018


    Thanks for sharing the video. The idea of using Twitter as an interactive tool to go with the video, albeit interesting, might not be as practical. The asynchronous nature of the video does not lend itself to the kinds of interactions you can get with the questions you posed. One possible idea to carry this out (even with students) is to use the video as the precursor to a Twitter chat, which might give you better kinds of interaction.

    The description and the issues you raised were very interesting, but a little more of you in the discussions (i.e. talk more about your context as opposed to generic conversation) would’ve helped build your case a lot more.

    Dr. Berry

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This entry was posted on October 9, 2017 by in Uncategorized.